Friday, July 13, 2012


I am starting a blog.  Some of my friends have started blogs recently and it looks like fun.  I enjoy reading some blogs so why not start one of my own?  What should it be about?  I don't have any particular skill sets that I think I can contribute to the world... I would like to think that I make good recommendations for things... eh you know what?  This blog will be about anything and everything.  What recent adventure did I have?  What awesome recipe did Karisa and I make?  How are my adventures in home brewing?  What have I learned recently?

I have a fairly short attention span.  I go through phases as most do and my interests in things come and go.  To be honest, these past 3 years of cycling have been the longest I've actively maintained interest in something.  I've had interests in many things over the years and often don't act on those interests.  I've actually found myself taking part in some of these things I didn't honestly see myself going forward with.  Things like archery, sailing, and home brewing.  You could even say that starting this blog is one of those things.  Would posting things on this blog influence me to get out there and more actively pursue those interests?  Could this actually be a motivating factor to prevent my normal procrastination?  Time will tell.

I will also do posts on the things I love.  I'm not the introspective type but I've recently realized that there is an easy way to tell the things you really love.  It's those things you are always willing to talk about.  Those things you're always telling people about.  Those things you can't get enough of.  I don't have many of those things.  For me they are cycling and tea....I'm not sure if there are others.  There are things I wish I could put on that list but maybe that will come with time.

This blog is an experiment of sorts.  I've seen many friends and family members start blogs and stop posting not long after.  Of all people, I can see myself doing this.  I'm hoping to put up a couple posts per week and see where things go from there.  So here goes... time to share some adventures.



  1. Thanks for starting this blog Tom. I will be looking forward to your posts :)

    For my sake... I hope that you continue with your home brewing!! That stuff you made is amazing and I can't wait for your next batch of awesome.

  2. Yay for home brewing! The first batch was so much better than I thought it would be!
